As technology continues to evolve, protect the assets that matter.  

North By South Positioning have the expertise to protect and secure your home, business, vehicle and assets from a variety of surveillance tactics.


Do you have a suspicion that you or your assets may be under surveillance? With the grown availability of GPS devices on the rise, GPS trackers can be easily purchased and securely hidden anywhere within a vehicle or moving asset. At NxSP, we have the expertise to scan and locate these devices from your mobile asset.


Do you often travel as a requirement for your business? Do you have people entering your home or business?  Do you ever wonder if someone is watching or tracking your movements? 

We have the necessary security solutions and equipment to locate hidden cameras.  Hidden cameras may be secured in everyday commonly used objects – may it be a clock, toy, water bottle or even within speakers.  The majority of these devices are battery operated with the ability to last up to 30 plus days. This leaves many vulnerable in having their confidential matters exposed to unwanted company.  We at NxSP possess the tools to locate these devices in your home, office or to even scan your room prior to your stay while travelling.


As technology continues to advance, many companies have been extremely competitive in creating solutions to improve our daily lives.   Protecting our business surroundings has never been of  greater importance. Hidden listening devices can be designed within USB sticks, RF Transmitters, light switch or even a plant! Secure all of your invested ideas and details of your upcoming project plans with confidence. We carry all the necessary equipment to help locate and prevent recordings of all of your confidential matters.  Call us today, and we can provide you with further details on how to continue to thrive within a secure and trusted environment.